Barking spiders.
House apes.
Carpet frogs.
These are a few of the sayings my mom would use in reference to kids. When Sammy had on her little green onesie this morning, she reminded me of a little green froggie. And so with that, what sayings were used in your family?
5 days ago
Dad said "curtain climbing house apes."
Mom said about fat little legs and butts "Dolly Dimples."
Al's mom said "she's such a cute little hussy."
i was always called a "little sh*t"...i dont know why? i was an angel unlike auntie kenna.
Hey Daddio...I think your daddy also called Jimmy and Mandy "little sh*t's" of the favorites around the Cayton Valley Ranch was "ankle biters"...
Patti B
Let's not forget "Fart Blossom" or "Drool Puss"
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