Sunday, July 12, 2009


Here you can see all four of her top teeth. Ok, so the side ones are really little right now, but they've popped through the gums. She's got two more coming up on the bottom now, too. She's getting better with this teething thing. She still can get grouchy for a couple of hours (don't we all?) but a nap or some Tylenol takes care of the worst of it.


nana said...

I see braces in her future.

Mimi said...

no kidding!! Daddy had them, Auntie Kenna had them, I had's in her dna I guess...didn't Mommy have them too?

nana said...

Yep she did and so did I. Poor Sammy, there's no hope.

Mimi said...

third generation....yikes!