Friday, March 19, 2010

Still practicing....

Sammy is still practicing on taking care of 'Babies'.  Here my much maligned doll, Thumbelina, is recieving Gadawful Gold Fish crackers and milk.  Oh sooo yummy.  My girlfriend walked into the kitchen, saw the doll in the seat and was scared of her.  She explained that she has kept one of her dolls from her childhood, 'Deloris', but the doll was missing a leg.  Thumbelina is missing HAIR, not a leg!  And she was afraid of Thumbelina instead of her paralegic doll?  Seriously?  Hmmph.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Sorry, Mimi, I know that Thumbelina (wasn't there a "tumbelina" version that "rolled over" on her own? I think I had that one)is a much loved doll...but she is a little scarey looking...almost a bit Chuck-eee-ish... sorry, I'm just sayin' ... and fish crackers? What in the world is wrong with fish crackers? Except, I think they go better with beer then with milk...