Friday, July 3, 2009

Have I mentioned this before?

So, I took Sammy shopping with me again today. Yes, again. I never learn. She was excited about some outfits I showed her. And then we went to the shoe department. Gah.


Patti said...

Mimi, will you never learn? Look at her mommy's shoe collection...I'm sorry, but it's in Sammy's DNA...back away from the shoes...back away from the shoes...

nana said...

I agree with Patti. Have you been in her mother's closet? However, I have to admit this is exactly the way I started out with Shaina, shopping, shopping, shopping and we always ended up with stuff for her.

Mimi said...

After leaving Babies-R-Expensive without the gate I needed, I realized that I just spent $100 on that child!! I won't let Grumpa take her shopping at all anymore. He spent $40 on ONE shirt for her...